Weather for chicago

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My dsi microphone broke.  so im sending it in for repairs.  so for flipnote posts, i will use my sister's dsi.  the account name will be myme/trogdor10.  i have an sd card (thankfully) so all flipnotes in progress will be saved to that and made on the sd card.  when i get my dsi back, the flipnotes on my sis' account that i made will be deleted and reposted to my account.  it could take 10 days.  maybe more due to valentines day.  i am gona do fast 1 day shipping so i should get it back.  btw, THE POKEMON PLATINUM GAME IS A FAKE!!! IT WONT PLAY ON MY DSI.  Dammit.  I wasted over $24.00.  So yea.  REMEMBER. THE ACCOUNT NAME WILL BE myme/Trogdor10

also does anyone want to battle/trade with me?  If so, POST YOUR POKEMON D/P FC IN THE COMMENTS FOR MY BLOG!!!  I can't do trades/battles with peeps who dont post their FC

at least it stopped snowing.  thats a relief.  nothing else is going on for the weather.
For Blockland:
I am startin to get laggy for hosting servers.  mostly, i crash.  so my servers will contain less add ons.  so dont be mad.  the add ons i like such as plane add ons will stay but other low quality, spammy, super laggy add ons such as the mini-nuke will be disabled.  so will the following

-  B9 bomber (its props fail and its missing a wheel)
-  UTE (fail truck)
-  items that dont do anything such as the camcorder
-  maybe minigun cause it causes LOTS OF LAG
-  dinner blaster (it is a ULTRA LAGGY WEAPON
-  and other nonusefull items that i dont need to have on a server depending on what the  server is for.  for example, in dms, there will be mostly weapons.  in Life rps, there will mostly be brick add ons, event add ons, items and vehicles mainly.  in freebuilds, its event add ons brick and tool add ons.  in pokemon rps, mainly magic and energy weapons as well as brick add ons, events, maybe pokeball add on, items, and more.
- All servers will include JVS Doors, Windows, and lots of music. 
- only 10 peeps allowed on 1 of my servers to prevent lag
- any spaming will not be tolerated
- any noob traping on my server that nobody informed me about or not get my permission to make the trap will also not be tolerated unless it is a freebuild server
- if you decide to leave, you MUST tell me if your coming back.  if your not coming back, you must save for your build might be deleted. 
- if you ask for admin and you are totally new to the server and i do not know you, the result will be a 10 minute ban.  asking for Super Admin will result in a 30 minute ban if you are not my friend. 
- if you complain about a temporary ban over IRC client, you will be banned for a longer period.
- if the server is a rp of some sort, be REALISTIC
- if the server is a pokemon RP, only admins can be legendary pokemon

- Admins:  any admins that i gave admin auto to
- Super Admins:  Jaxfirebus, Jainafirebus, Plad, Chim, lizard, and other current super
admins on my server.

additional rules
-  if your a blockhead and your blid is over 19000, dont act nooby and if you ask for admin, it will result in a 10 minute ban. 
-  if you destructo wand something without permmision, your admin privilages will be taken away for the rest of the day.  same thing with super admins so watch it.  2nd violation of this rule will result in admin or super admin privilages taken away untill you reearn it.  3rd violation will result in a 1 day ban.  further violation of this rule will result in a PERMINATE BAN
-  no spamming.  spamming will not be tolerated unless i otherwise say it would be allowed.  consequences will be at the bottom of the rule list
-  banning people without permission or reasons.  if this is done on one of my freeadmin servers, THIS WILL IMMEDIATLY RESULT IN BAN FROM MY SERVERS AND MY FRIENDS SERVERS PERMINATLY AND YOU CAN NEVER JOIN AGAIN NO QUESTIONS ABOUT UNBANMENT. 
-  Any annoyment of other players without a proper reason that i can accept will not be tolerated. 
Consequences for breaking these rules
-  1st offence- warning
-  2nd offence- kick
-  3rd offence- 10 minute ban
-  4th offence- 1 hour ban
-  5th offence- 1 day ban
-  6th offence- PERMINATE BAN
concequences for admins/ Super Admins
-  1st offence- warning
-  2nd offence- warning
-  3rd offence- admin privilages taken away for 1 day
-  4th offence- Admin privilages taken away untill you earn them back
-  5th offence- kick and loose admin if you regain admin status for the rest of the day/ untill you reearn it again
-  6th offence- 10 minute ban with same loss as offence 5 for admin taken away
-  7th offence- 1 hour ban  with same loss as offence 5 for admin taken away
-  8th offence- 1 day ban  with same loss as offence 5 for admin taken away
-  9th offence- 1 day ban  with same loss as offence 5 for admin taken away
- 10th offence- Perminate Ban

follow these rules and good things for you will occur. 


I am learning about perimeter and area and volume.
I am learning about Newton's Laws of Motion
learning about what to say when you're at a clothing store.
Social studys
The American Revolution and The Revolutionary War.

so yea.

ps.  My sister got pokemon diamond.  FCs will be posted later.

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